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Wednesday 28th March - MARATHON 72
28th March-Day 75.Out to the harbour of La Rochelle for food. A beautiful warm night, in another beautiful place. The harbour walls have turrets at mouth, the place is loaded with history and Character. We walked along the stretch of restaurants around the harbour, all looked great, we made our choice by the looks of the place and how many people were eating there. We chose well, Chicken Caesar to start for me was excellent, followed by Sea Bass, New Potatoes and Veg for all of us, that was the best meal dad has had! Qualified after by restaurant meal Tiramisu for me, very nice and Chocolate Profiter rolls for Paul that looked and tasted, (so Paul told a very disappointed father and son), fantastic! Paul did manage to flick one off his plate on his front, down his leg and onto my foot, which was quite funny, the table next to us joined in the laughter! Anyway very enjoyable meal, evening and catch up. Nice stroll back to the hotel, picked up ice at reception and back to the room. Paul booked the hotel, he said that he reads the Blog every day so he booked 2 rooms! Dad caught the end of the Chelsea game then promptly fell asleep with Katherine Jenkins in his ears, I iced my legs and Paul set about planning our route back, downloading camera's and videos and all other things technical that I am no good at! Called it a day at 11:50, legs well iced and an outline plan agreed. Very good evening but worried about my new calf injury! Up at 6:15 with alarm, had cramp once during the night but knees and hip left me alone! Left calf very stiff! The same morning ritual and I left the room to kit up by the van at 6:55. Set off at 7:00 towards the old harbour then left, south, along the shop fronts. I took a right into the old loading bays and warehouse area. Still very dark, I ran through the very new boat yards and factories and past La Rochelle University! Seemed a strange place to build a state of the art University building? Anyway, ended up on a main road so turned and headed back. I took a left towards some more boats and found myself at the harbour wall turret. The sun was rising over the city and people seem to appear from everywhere! I ran back past the now very busy shops and cafe's to the hotel. A very enjoyable, slow and still painful, morning run, 7.13k in 47"10. Now nearly 8:00, late for breakfast with dad and paul! Quick shower and down, 5 minutes late, not bad! Very nice hotel breakfast, did not need porridge! Dad finished and went for a walk, Paul and I had a chat about the route to Calais across country! Got up to go back to the room, legs solid! Worked for 30 minutes on legs to get them going, struggling to touch my toes, I can normally get my palms on the floor! All done, route planned, Paul was driving, dad was camera man. Quick video done, Paul and dad went ahead and I set off just after 11:00. Very busy through the back streets of La Rochelle with people, bikes cars and bendy buses! We left the top of the City and joined the D105, very busy, under the motorway and up to D10, very busy! Dad and Paul looked happy on the very busy, very flat, very open and very windy roads, I was not as happy! Everything hurt for the first 4k, spent the next 10k avoiding lorries! The road headed north and turned into D9 that turned back into D10a. Very busy with large lorries and not enjoyable! I fought my way north to a crossroads at Puyravault. Dad and paul stopping at the correct intervals, Paul took video of dad and me exchanging bottles and gel's, which was good. Weather very hot still but the head wind kept me cool but made the running very tough! Turned left onto the D25, someone turned the wind off and the heater on! Much better road, no lorries! I ran through Champagne les Marais, nice to be in a village, then right on the D50. A bit windy but tree lined, I ran to the completion of the marathon in the town of Lucon in 3'44"20, quicker but it felt more laboured! Knees and right hip hurt a lot over last 6k, I think due to my restricted running action caused by my tight left calf and left lower hamstring! Anyway another marathon completed. We drove to the square to get off the narrow road, quick video taken that hopefully will be on the Framework Foundation web site very soon, orange consumed lots of fluids, quick change a hug with dad back in the van, Paul drove, at lightning speed, back to La Rochelle and our hotel. Got ice from the reception, coffee for me Beer for dad and Paul. We sat outside in the sun for a good hour, icing legs at last and drinking beer, not me! Very enjoyable. Food tonight is probably a takeaway as we have so much to do! Another good day another marathon.