Raising Money for Teenage Cancer Trust and other worthy causes


Monday 16th April MARATHON 94

16-April-2012 9:52
in General
by Admin

16th April - Day 94. Hotel restaurant very busy, most hobbling! We ate at 4:30 this afternoon, so not that hungry but I need to take fuel on so ordered Chicken Ceasar Salad to start, very nice, pasta and chicken for main and Profita Rolls for pudding! Dad had Lasagne. We sat for a while to let the food go down and talked through previous nights in different hotels and different countries, it seems a long time ago that we left France let alone Spain and Portugal! Back to the room, dad washed, changed and was in bed with Barbara Streisand in less than 5 minutes! Quick wash of kit then icing and in bed by 11:40. Good nights sleep and up at 6:45, no run again, meeting Virgin people at 9:00 then early start to Bognor! Good very large breakfast consumed (I will have to stop eating like this when I have finished!) Back to the room, prepare and kit up for the photos and the small issue of another marathon, Brighton to Bognor! My legs in the morning very sore and are getting worse by the day, right thigh very tender and stiff, also both Achilles very sore following yesterdays hills! Still got to keep on keeping on and concentrate only on the day ahead. All done and down to reception at 9:00 to meet the Virgin people! Quick photo taken by the clock tower, very nice people, back to the room and get ready to go. Phone rang, it was Daryl Latham, Phils brother. We had a good chat about what I have been doing, how we can get more exposure to get more donations, a lot about Phil, Karen and the girls. Good conversation, a bit tough at times and bit too long! Packed and in the van just before 11:00, the wardens were on the prowl, we were just in time! Sat nav set for Bognor Regis, scattered clouds and bright sunshine and cold wind! Video taken with a few passers by walking through! We set off at 11:05 through the very busy streets of Brighton. Dad navigated well to the sea front road A259, hesitated a bit, convinced that the sat nav would send him left East! We turned right along Brighton promenade, I ran on the cycle path through to Hove. Very pleasant but my legs were history from the start. I had not completed my warm up with Jessica, left her in the car! But I think my legs struggled from the start as a consequence of yesterday. With my right thigh as it is, I went a bit too fast and up too many hills yesterday and paying the price today. Unfortunately I still have to take a pain killer before I run each day, even more unfortunate, I forgot to take it today! The route was very simple again, follow the A259. We travelled through Southwick, Shoreham-by-Sea, Lancing and Worthing. All nice roads mainly, with lovely see views, I managed a half decent pace for the first 10k. We turned inland at Ferring, past East Preston, bypassing Littlehampton to Rustington. This section a lot busier, a larger road, steeper Camber, the wind picked up and was head on! My right knee, top of my thigh and hip started to bite at this point! Legs now very stiff generally with my right leg labouring, my left calf joined in! The road camber was really causing me a problem. Very tough and slow last 10k, we turned left on the B2132 through a lovely little village, I think called Ancton. Coming close to completion, dad pulled over to the left, got out and started to film. As I passed I said 250 metres to go, I will go past and come back to finish here. Dad said ok, I ran 125m turned and ran back. No dad! He decided to go and look on foot for a better parking place! I explained that I thought that was not the best time to wander off and miss filming the finish! Views exchanged, quick video done, orange eaten and changed out of kit. By the way, marathon distance in a time of 3'50"16. It was a lovely afternoon, out of the wind very warm but in it freezing! We re parked the van, where it was! and walked across the road to a lovely Cafe. Just going in when two ladies asked what we were running for? Quick explanation and amazement from them both, that we had not been on TV, they watched BBC earlier today and a postman has run to London, arriving today, doing 5 marathons in 5 days and is now resting before the London Marathon,(well done postie) and you have just completed your 94th marathon in 94 days and are doing one a day Finishing with London! Why are you not getting on TV? We did not get too much of a chance to speak, they were good at conversation! They both then gave us £5 each and said well done anyway! Thank you Lizzy Duffield and Tweek Reed. Anyway, I hobbled in to the cafe and had the best coffee and apple cake with clotted cream, we have ever had! All good, back in the van and off to find our accommodation. After a ring around at the office they were offered free accommodation at a B&B called The Aldwick, 25 Princess Avenue, Bognor Regis. Individually owned so a very nice charitable gesture. Very nice place and very nice man! Checked in and went to find ice! Desperately needed for my hip and thigh mainly, and if any left, my knees and calves! Quick bag of chips sitting in the van by the sea, spot on, and back to ice. Wet the bed with the ice, thigh and hip numb, knees bright red but not enough for calves! Had a quick 40 minutes kip, a chat to the Hemel Gazette, hopefully another piece on our progress in this week, all good, then a lovely soak in the bath! Fantastic. Did a few hamstring stretches in the bath, up changed and out for food. Not as hungry as normal but do need fuel! MAMMA MIA was our destination, spaghetti and meat balls for me, lasagne for dad. Very, very good! Back to the Aldwick legs up and quick stretch and going to bed early! Each day is a day closer but the finish line seems further away! Very tough mentally and physically, one step at a time, one kilometre at a time, one marathon at a time and one day at a time!

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