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Thursday 26th January MARATHON 13

27-January-2012 7:06
in General
by Admin

 Up at 6:15 following an ok night. I of course had the top bunk not dad and found that heat and also noise rises. The Rhino Snorer was back! I was baking all night, dad was freezing and Cliff had a double bed and a room to himself, I think slept very well! Dad set to breakfast and knocked up fried potatoes, left over boiled ones from last night, egg and beans, spot on. My thigh took a bit of getting going but I managed to bend my leg to a right angle! Finished warm up, packed up, made sure we remembered everything, as I left the foam roller in our room in Setubal yesterday morning! and got away from our salubrious bungalow! at 8:30.

We set out the route, dad was pleased there were no big towns, although there were lots of road changes. Cliff and I set off at 9:00 heading North out of Areia towards Mafieira da Serra, again only a Hobble/Jog/walk but actually moving quite fast. Weather was not great but looked like the sun would make an appearance, within 30 mins we were calling dad to come to us with our waterproofs, it was lashing down! All sorted, with waterproofs on and dad went ahead. Within 15 minutes the sun was out and very hot! All good though, we followed the N247 through Biscaia, fantastic views and period buildings as we climbed and climbed, my leg felt good but getting concerned about the descent! Cliff pushed on at times checking the route and stretching his legs. All going well dad was also pushing on and coming back to check us. On more than one occasion we caught him asleep sitting in bus stops or village centre seats sunning himself as he does and mixing with the locals!
As I feared earlier, what goes up must come down! And down steeply, this started to cause a problem with my left thigh and as I was compensating trying to avoid the pain, my right hip and buttock started to hurt! I could not cope so I found a better way, I came down the steep hills backwards! Cliff kept an eye where we were going, leg pain reduced I was happy. Weather still good we travelled through beautiful village after village all the way to Sao Joao das Lampas. Coastal and inland all beautiful and going well, too well it turned out! The van was running low on fuel, so dad in a very confident mood said he would go ahead and fill up, I said ok but make sure you get only Gasoline! He filled up and he went ahead to a very small village called Bolelas, stopped the van got out took some photos, back in the van as we approached and the van would not start! Yes, it was filled with petrol instead of diesel! Panic erupted we stopped our run, I realised I had confused dad with my instruction. Diesel is Gasoleo, Gasoline is petrol. Cliff realised dad needed help and I needed to finish! Cliff said he would stay with dad as dad was blaming himself and worrying that he was not up to the job of supporting me, saying it would be better if someone else came over because he is letting me down! I categorically said no, he was doing great and I would not want to do this without him, however many times we cocked up. That is all part of this ridiculous and great challenge, me, having never ran a marathon before and dad 84 on the 21st Feb, just being my dad, things were going to go wrong! All calmed down a bit and road side assistance called, I left with map in hand to make my way to Ericeira, the finish! The weather closed in and it was soon raining, the time passed very quickly due in no small part to the fact that I was constantly on the phone trying to convince the Portuguese mechanics not to tow the van away and informing them that we need it fixed now and I would not accept our van going for a day and that is that!

They towed the van, 30 miles away with dad and cliff, and gave them a Seat biza! They travelled back up to Ericeira and struggled to find me in my nice little cafe down the left fork with the green BP garage on the only road in from the south! Tempers fraying after a long and eventful day, I kept repeating my directions and finally I walked up to the RED Galp garage and they found me straight away! By the way marathon distance in a very long, hilly and painful 7'11"05 I do not know how much longer I can keep hobbling, I need to get back to full running soon! We are now staying in another campsite in another Bungalow Log Cabin but this one is very nice and very big. Unfortunately all our food, most of our clothes and provisions are in the van in the garage in Cacaise 30 miles away! We have shopped in Lidl, Cliff has just knocked up a great pasta with tomato sauce and a tomato and mozzarella salad! So things aren't so bad, dad is still down so I got him
Viennette for desert.

We hope to get the van back at midday Friday so now re planning our route that also allows us to get Cliff to the airport at 6pm, I think he might be looking forward to getting home! I now have blisters on blisters and my left thigh and right hip muscles have seized up! These things are sent to try us, at least the vehicle problem took my mind of my injuries and pain for a while! We will get there, we just have to keep on keeping on!

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