Raising Money for Teenage Cancer Trust and other worthy causes


Thursday 22nd March MARATHON 64 & 65

23-March-2012 22:50
in General
by Admin

22nd March -Day 69. Our Hotel Lady directed us to a Restaurant 250 meters down the road, sold Pizza and Pasta, sounded good so off we went. Expecting a normal Pizzeria we were pleasantly surprised to find it was more like a French version of Cafe Rouge crossed with Langhams! It was also nearly full! We sat down, dad was ok but I felt a bit under dressed in my sweat bottoms, flip's and a T shirt! Anyway ordered a salad that was mixed and spag bol to start, dad did not want anything to start, and two ham and mushroom Pizza's for main course. The salad turned up, it was a mountain of salad, Lardons and another 4 meats we could not tell what they were but it was delicious and dad decided to join in. To be honest, for the first time in a while I felt full before the main course arrived, which was good. Mains arrived, not a patch on our previous Italian experience with the Sopranos! But it was ok. I would recommend anyone in this area to try this place, L'Incontournable, it is not a Pizzeria, it is a full blown very nice restaurant. Back to the hotel and more ice, rotate the washing on the rads and in bed by 11pm. Not too late. A good nights sleep and up before the alarm at 6am, rotated the washing again, hopefully only one bag of wet to take back to the van! Legs very reluctant to get going and off for my run at 7:00. Quick stretch and away, weather overcast but the persistent overnight rain has stopped. I looked at the map and wanted to run east and to the waterfront to see the Nautic Club and I think a big old hospital. The roads were very quiet through bungalow housing, I took a few lefts and rights trying to make my way to the water! I eventually got there and found the Nautic Club. Not much to look at, it resembled my old sea scouts hut in Chaulden opposite the Tudor Rose pub, my first pub! Anyway on I went back inland to get back out to the water and the big old hospital. Eventually made my way back to the water and found, what I think, was the old hospital. Completely derelict and vast on a prime piece of land facing south west across the Bassin! The setting and the views were stunning shame it was not clear skies to see the sun rise! Up to this point I had only seen one car, the place was deserted. Anyway back through the narrow bungalow lined streets, north west towards the town and a few people appeared. I ran past one shop open that was a bit of a bakers, newsagents and grocers, also had people! Back to the hotel, 7.36k in 53 Minutes. Not an outstanding run but still very pleasant. Back in the hotel, move more washing round, shower and down for breakfast. Very nice people, very nice breakfast and the lady did my porridge perfectly! Did a quick phone interview with Watford's HeartFM that went out 2 minutes after I put the phone down! I thought it was to be recorded and played later! Anyway all good exposure for the cause and raising awareness of our need to get more donations coming in! Every penny counts and helps! Back to the room, collected all the washing up and all dry! Packed and prepared and left hotel by 11:00. Outside, quick video, tried to remember the date and marathon number, which by the way is 65, my extra mile's have clocked up another marathon! All good and away by 11:17. My friend and fellow Trustee Tony Garment was meeting us this afternoon and I wanted to make sure we were not late so a gone 11am start was not good! Pains everywhere for the first 3k so head down and I pushed hard until the pains mellowed and the movement got better! The route was good today, we left Ares on the D3 north, then joined the local road going towards St Helene. This road was very long, straight, flat and tree lined! The only difference was the surface, it was very rough and unfinished, very tough on the feet and ankles! Still, I had found a good rhythm and got to 10k without thinking in 49 minutes, quite quick! I felt quite free and kept thinking of our late start, the roads remained straight and flat but the surface mercifully got smoother. I reached half way in just over 1'45", feeling ok, I carried on at the pace and rhythm that felt good. Dad  stopped at the correct intervals, no directional issues, a bit more pain in the last 6k and I finished the marathon, just before the town of Castelnau de Medoc, In a pleasing time of 3'35"51. I felt ok so I told dad to drive into town and wait for me and I would run in. Another 2.1k completed and finished in great sunshine, quick orange, iced and strapped Achilles on left leg and upper calf on right leg. Quick change and in the van for the drive to meet Tony in Blaye. We had to go south to the ring road of Bordeaux across the bridges and then north to Blaye. We got there, found a lovely little hotel, checked in and returned to the centre of the village to wait for Tony. We met as soon as we parked up, which was a touch fortunate, and had a quick coffee. Back to the hotel, Tony delivered all the gifts from home, a thousand packs of shortbreads for dad, a battery charger and rechargeable batteries for dad, loads of chocolate for dad, murry mints for dad, 3 packs of ginger nut biscuits for dad and 4 packs of clif shots for me! I did get some chocolate and easter egg from Hattie, Tony's daughter which was very nice. Best of all I got a card and two notes from Karen, India and Jemima, made me home sick but a month from now and it will all be over, one way or another! Anyway all in, quick shower, no time to ice and we are off down for dinner. I am constantly starving. I am looking forward to my 6:30 morning run with Tony and him at least accompanying me for half of the marathon tomorrow!!!

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