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Wednesday 22nd February MARATHON 32
Up at 6:30, farted about and as the cafe did not open until 8:00 decided to go out and run before breakfast. Set off at 7:30 through the streets of Cangas from Hotel Hollywood! Legs hurt and both calf's were solid but I enjoyed it. It was still dark and everything was setting up, all the dockside cafe's were busy, the street cleaners were out in force following last nights Carnival. We tried to find out the reason for the festivities without success! I could not access the internet to look it up, but everyone took part from young children, young adults to the elderly. Dad commented that some were in their 70's! As if they should not do that at that age! They all dressed up in fancy dress throwing eggs, flour and all sorts, strange but they all looked to be enjoying it. Anyway back to my warm up run, I ran through all the back streets of the old part of town as the dawn broke, past proper old buildings, churches and through narrow lanes. It looked like something out of old London and Oliver Twist. Back to the Hollywood just before 8:30 after 7.28k legs no different but I felt great! Had a quick bowl of Alpen in the room and then down to cafe for a cup of tea and a Croissant, that's all they had! Now packing up and getting ready to leave. We are driving on to the finish point of yesterday. I would normally run from here but it is about 12k and most of it up hill! Set off on my run at 11:15 from the mountain start, all felt terrible, calf's and Achilles very tight! Mostly down hill for the first 3k through great little villages and down to the port town of Bueu and past Loira Seixo, Aguete and Magor all ok but a bit industrial. Legs bedded in a bit but still not great, first 10k in 1hr, second 10k in 1'08" but all not good. Both legs below the knees just seemed to seize up and left calf in bits. But as I have said before, I knew this would not be easy, just did not think it would be this tough! Most of the sat nav directions went well and dad kept up the high standards set yesterday! We navigated our way through Pontevedra over the bridge and left on the P0-308. We took the local coast road, P0-0602, almost straight away. Fantastic few miles through great little water front hamlets. Felt like stopping at this point with 12k to go, my will and determination had ebbed away and there were some great cafe bars calling me! Plodded on very slowly trying to think of anything but running. Did not really work but managed to run along the P0-308 through to the finish just before Raxo! Marathon distance (just over) in 4'38"39 time getting longer as pain gets worse but another one done! We finished in a petrol station forecourt in hot sunshine, I washed my feet and put the ice packs covering both legs completely below the knee! Had my orange, changed and ready to go when a car pulled up next to us and a man got out and said he was a reporter! I then had to get changed back into running kit, posed for a few photos, all good. He then asked if he could take some shots of me running! Well to say it was difficult to get my legs going would be a touch of an understatement! My arms were going but I am not sure I got both feet off the floor at the same time! I did a quick interview with a reporter that turned up then changed back and got on our way. I think a regional paper, not too sure though but all good exposure for our cause! I noticed a nice little town called Combarro and a Hotel on the sea front called Stella Maris. We booked in, very nice and great views across the bay to the island, Illa de Tambo. We went down to the marina for a quick coffee then off to get loads of ice! Now back in the room about to endure another ice bath! My god that was cold! Trying to warm up now then off to eat. Each and every day is tough but we are getting there.