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Saturday 14th Jan Cont.
Day 1 Continued
5 Live interview went well I hope! Made me a bit nervous so I went for my warm up stretch and bodywork an hour ahead. Decided on Alpen (the no added version) with a banana and a hot water with lime. Re worked out the route to
make sure we did not get it wrong, got ready and left at 9:30.
All met at the castle and had some great photos taken of everyone. Last minute run through with my dad as to what he should do and make sure he has the Camcorder, Camera and his phone. Thanks to everyone who turned up.
All got very emotional so I set off, started at a nice pace not fast. Ran along the Aveneda and back up and out of Lagos. Weather was unreal, sun was out and not a cloud. Kept to a nice pace and got cheered by lots of people I did not know as I left the town, maybe they thought I was someone else!
It was a run of firsts! First marathon of 100! First time I ever tried to have a pee and run sideways and failed! Won't try that again. First time I have been attacked by wild dogs but they were 2 miniature poodles!
Contrary to our team talk, my dad left the camcorder at the start with the lads! All turned out fine as everyone was along the last road to Cape St Vincent.! Anyway felt great, had no real aches or major pains at the half way point.
Karen and my dad were in the support vehicle and were needed when, due to the weather I dehydrated a bit at 20 miles! Just needed some Berry Electrolyte Water, which by the way is the first flavoured drink I can get on with! and a good few Clif Shot Bloks. I did not take on enough fluid in the first 10k, lesson learnt.
All the support came past in their vehicles at 36k and cheered me on, felt great but emotion took over! Don't know why that happened at that point? Although we had sorted the Route and distance with precision, I got it wrong and the run I planned was about 3k too far! I sorted out with everyone as I ran my new estimated finish point. They all sped off and set up the finish, 30 odd people vehicles and signs. Again I miss judged and they had to rush back taking signs etc. And move further ahead as I approached, very funny to watch! Actually they had 2 further goes and eventually I finished at a stunning location, very hot, no wind and not a cloud. Pictures and video taken all looks great.
After all tears cleared I ran back about 250 meters and walked down some very steep steps to this unbelievable beech and proceeded to have my first post run bath in the Atlantic! Very cold but felt a million dollars after! 3hrs 41mins and 5 seconds, too fast for consecutive marathons but I felt fine along the way. I think I ran on adrenaline and emotion. I will no doubt pay the price tomorrow! Which actually is today as it is now 1:37am.
Thanks to Nikki and Kathryn at Fabrica who opened up their restaurant especially for our party of nearly 40 and the great food they put on in the Embassy last night, also to Mark and Colin from the Embassy. Everyone had a great night. Tomorrow all my friends who came over to support me are going home, which is good in one way, I can get to bed earlier! but I will greatly miss their support and help. So thank you all.
What a great day. Goodnight.