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Tuesday 13th Dec
13th Dec - Work, Charity, Christmas and Running schedules clashing and running is losing out! A bit worrying. Aimed to do a marathon this morning but now 7:45pm and getting ready to go! Do not fancy it at all now.
Ran Saturdays run in reverse, maybe there is a god it stopped raining as I left the house, felt great, stopped to say hello to my mum and dad in Ridge Lea, rang the door bell twice and out came the chime of "The Land of Texas" but no answer so knocked on the window, they both came to the door and said why did I not ring the door bell! I said I did and they said they could not hear as they were watching a Western on TV! Made me laugh and kept a smile on my face for most of the rest of the run until I was running down the duel carriageway to the magic roundabout when the pain in my legs wiped it off! Felt strong for the complete run and legs ok by the end. 15.03 miles in 2hrs 6mins. Glad to get the run done.