Raising Money for Teenage Cancer Trust and other worthy causes
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Day 22 - Marathon 22 - 13th April 2013
Day 22 13th April 2013 East Grinstead to Brighton Pier
Great nights sleep after a rumbling stomach due to a bit too much to eat! Up a bit late, weather foggy, legs stiff, could have turned over and gone back to sleep. Down to breakfast, very nice, porridge fruit and toast, back to the room, shower, prep and kit on. Bit of a rush at the end, checked out, met some very nice people who said they would donate, quick video, in the van and off to the start, 5 miles back towards London. All good ready to start then realised I had left my mobile in the room!! No panic, rung my phone, answered by reception so quick re route to go via the Hotel and pick it up. Set off a bit late but in good weather but very up hill, phone picked up and on down towards Lewes. Very nice route, not too much pain but no life in legs. Happy to do a slow one today in an attempt to help tomorrow. Dad was great, remembered the odd photo, very steady start and the first 15k passed without too much thought. At halfway the rain started, steady at first but got heavier with every kilometre. Very up and down, none too steep then Ditchling! Now hammering down, legs not great, a few stabbing pains in my damaged left thigh and probably the steepest climb of any run so far ahead, Ditchling Beacon! Three cyclists went past me just before the climb started and wished me luck. 11.5k to go to Brighton and the finish, the next 1.5k straight up. Very steady but good rhythm found and I calmly climbed at a fair pace, I took the three cyclists about half way and reached the top not feeling too bad but for some reason very emotional? Face covered in rain so no difference to be seen, thick fog at the top, persisting rain and very strong head wind! No sign of dad so ploughed on across the South Downs, now totally soaked and freezing cold. Met dad parked up in a small siding and as I passed he said he did not like the hill, far too steep, I offered to swap places! Very cold and very wet run down into Brighton, hands not working, arms frozen solid, knees seized and now shivering as I ran. Eventually finished by the pier in 3'31"21, another tough but strangely rewarding marathon complete. Quick video and photo taken and in the van. Took a while to undo my laces and get my wet clothes off, towel'd down and into dry warm clothes. As we were outside a fish and chip shop that became my post run meal, very nice. Took about 2 hours to warm properly but we had to wait for the gang to arrive with my paperwork to pick up my number so van left on and heater on full. Picked up number, quite exciting, tried to get a massage, not a chance, back in the van and off to the Teenage Cancer Trust pasta party. Good to meet all the other Teenage Cancer Trust runners, a delightful young girl who has been through a cancer and wanted to share her experience and thank everyone spoke very well and a marathon running expert spoke well about what to expect, how to prepare and to enjoy it how ever hard it is. Wise words, he looked quick but did not ask how quick? Anyway, pasta eaten, thank you's done and back in the van. Unfortunately the only accommodation we could get is in Crawley, further away than where I started from today!! Very nice place though, now in my room watching the Masters, icing my legs and eating more! Thanks to today's shirt sponsor, Alltrades UK. Very generous of you Brian very appreciated and thanks for all your help pushing our cause. Now 11:30 and time for bed, 22 down and 8 to go! Tomorrow new shoes as mine are both soaked! Thanks to Peter Spivey for your greatly appreciated donation of a pair of shoes.