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Friday 13th April MARATHON 91
13th April - Day 91. I iced my legs while Paul sorted laptop, then bed and not a bad nights sleep. Dad got up in the night, 15 minutes after I wet to bed! He was freezing again and I was too hot! The room was at 20 degrees but dad suffers with cold legs so towels and pillows went on top of the duvet, on top of him now nearly fully clothed! Up at 6:30 with alarm, legs stiff and knees sore from the broken days running yesterday. Quick warm up massage of calves and thighs, kit on and out for a very short run at 7:00. 1.3k done and back, quick shower and down to breakfast. Dad has been looking forward to a good English, proper, breakfast! A good breakfast had only mistake was that I had their porridge, not Scott's Porridge Oats, very different! It all seamed very strange after yesterday, back to me and dad and back in England. Very pleased to have got this far and returned home after all the set backs and tough times but we are now out of our routine and rhythm that we had built over the previous three months! Still we must start again, focus on the next ten days and get the job done. All over the place, medical bag mixed up with dirty washing! Quick team talk with dad on how we need to proceed, both back focused. Packed up, kitted up, paid up and rollered up and out in the van by 10:30 and off to the start of today's run to the west of Folkestone. Weather was looking good, sun out with just a few clouds, no wind and warm! Might be over dressed with black thermal long sleeve? Set off after a quick video at 11:20. Dad much more comfortable driving through the streets, stopping easily at junctions, all going well. Our route was along the A259 to Rye. Through Hythe the road ran along the sea front, I ran on the promenade for miles, flat and not a bad pace achieved, still nursing my thigh so did not push hard. A few clouds appeared but still looked ok as we reached the end of the road running next to the promenade. Choice made, I would carry on and dad would go inland to New Romney then back to the coast at littlestone on sea. Big mistake! Within 10 minutes the heavens opened, still ok I could change as soon as I meet up with dad, into dry kit and put my running coat on and hat. It started to hail, big hail, I was soaked to the skin and now freezing! Head down and crack on, the rain will ease, I will be at the end soon and all will be good. The rain got heavier, the skys darker and the temperature lower! I eventually got to the road at Littlestone on Sea, no sign of life and no sign of dad! I found a shelter next to the beach, a few broken paynes but out of the rain. My fingers were freezing and I was uncontrollably shivering! My phone was soaked and would not work, I waited for a few minutes to see if dad would show then headed on down the road with the aim of getting into the nearest shop! I was at that pint getting verry concerned, my head started to become fuzzy, I felt sick and I could not feel my hands and feet! Spar was the shop, awkward at first then they realised I was in a bit of trouble! Cup of tea, a towel and a phone, spot on. Talked dad through sat nav and 10 minutes later he came in the shop. Still shivering and shaking I got in the van, all wet clothes off, heater on full I toweled down and put warm clothes on. I gradually warmed up and re kitted up for the 2nd half of the run. Still not warm in my stomach and feet but I needed to get going. Leggings, hat and jacket on I set off towards Hastings. It felt like I had a stone in my shoe but it was my frozen foot! As you would expect in England, the sun came out and I roasted for the rest of the run! I finished in Rye soaking wet from sweat, not feeling great but pleased to have completed marathon 91 in a running time of 4'07"42 plus my spar stop and change. Thanks to the Spar Girls I made another one. Also I did not get a chance to thank Stephen and Jenny Wicks and Inland for sponsoring my unique shirt for day 90 and helping promote the challenge so enthusiastically, also Gilray Plant for sponsoring today's shirt, 91. Thank's Ralph and Sarah, a great donation, I hope to see you at the end or very soon after. Well off to Hastings and our Premier Inn. Thanks also to Premier Inn for their kind donation of our accommodation over the next 4 nights, very appreciated.