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Tuesday 14th February
Well I sent the last blog a bit too soon after I had to stop! All actually went well with the Hospital and doctors, only in there for 20 minutes, only cost 20 Euro's for the Doctor and 18 for the prescription. First hospital cost 3 hours time and 120 Euro's, 2nd cost, 105 Euro's and 4 hours! So yesterday was good. Patience is a virtue, unfortunately I do not possess too much of it, as all my work colleagues will now! Well lads I am learning it now!!
Andy came over as planned and brought some positivity into the camp along with an hour of pain for me as soon as he arrived! It looks as if my left thigh is ok but still a bit swollen, my calf's were knotted, (contracture of lateral aspect), and he enjoyed getting into my IT bands, right IT band seem to give Andy the most pleasure and me the most pain! Feeling quite knocked about but good, we went for a walk to loosen off, wind picked up so it was off to our little cafe, now back to its usual couple of customers, for a coffee and an ice cream, different but nice. Had a good chat with Andy regarding the big picture. I have run 5k for 2 days and my leg looks better by the day.
This morning the redness has gone, the swelling has almost gone and the movement is almost normal however still with some discomfort. Going to breakfast now and looking at getting some running done today but not pushing it hard, just as a leg loosener! I will be back to normal soon. Thanks for all your messages of support, I will take my time and as one of you said, it is a marathon of marathons not a sprint!