Raising Money for Teenage Cancer Trust and other worthy causes



14-January-2012 7:46
in General
by Admin

 Day 1 - Lagos to Cape St Vincent


Up at 5:45 a bit late to bed but got a good sleep if not a long one.


Feeling good, mind strong and looking forward to getting going. About to have some food, either porridge or Alpen? I have been outside and although dark the clouds are few and far between so I think it is going to be too warm for leggings. I will start to do warm up here at 8:30 then head on in to Lagos at 9:30!


Thinking alot about every thing and everyone at the moment but if I am honest mainly about me and getting the 1st marathon done with me in one piece and not letting anyone down. I have had a few runners contact me over the past few weeks asking if they can run with me today and or course I have said yes. However I am a bit concerned that a few are good marathon runners and will be too quick for me, if I try to keep up to a faster runner I could crash and burn in the last quarter of the run! Very pleased anyone would want to run with me though and the more money raised the better.


Anyway better get on with the preparations for the run and fit in a quick live interview with BBC Radio 5 Live, bit daunting!


I will be back after the run!

Registered Charity No. 1144338

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