Raising Money for Teenage Cancer Trust and other worthy causes
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Day 20 - Marathon 20 - 11th April 2013
Day 20 11th April Berhamsted to the Emirates Stadium
Struggled to get to sleep last night, not the best nights sleep and up at 6am to start all over again. Tough getting motivated and focused after yesterday, that felt like the end should feel! Still got to keep on keeping on. Right calf a bit strange this morning! A click feeling low down as I moved my feet made today's walk to the bathroom interesting! Routine went out of the window last night so still have my watch to down load and to finalise the route, but at least all my washing got done! Down stairs carefully let the dogs out, they went straight to the back of my old truck expecting a walk! Sorry boys 11 more days until we get back in that routine. Watch downloaded, route confirmed, concerned I have to get it loaded on TomTom and concerned dad is navigating and driving with only the help of India!! Joel warm up complete, van cleaned out a bit as we have passengers to bring back, Vince who thankfully is running the 2nd half with me again and Lawrence Shafier from Haslers is joining me for the last 7 or 8 miles only as he is on his way back from 2 recent hip operations! All good, breakfast must be consumed by 8am as I am doing a radio thing with heart at 8am in Dallings, the Deli in Kings Langley! Good breakfast consumed, Deli at 8am radio interview complete and back home by 8:50, a little late but still ok. Simon Geary turned up at 9:15, I faffed about a bit, out of normal routine is not good for me, and eventually on our way to the office in Northbridge Rd for the start of Marathon 20! Quick hello to everyone, plugged the route into the sat nav, should be easy, A41, A1! All done, Holly and Evie were there with Phils mum Jill and Paul, the Mayor of Berkhamstead and his wonderful wife, thank you, your presence makes all the difference and thank you for your very generous donation. Also my family and friends and a few people from the office. Thanks to all. Quick video and photos taken and we set offat 10:35. Our start team was me, Simon, India, Ross with special guest Holly with Paul as chaperone. All good, Holly planned to just run to the end of Northbridge Rd then stop and walk back. To Paul's surprise Holly ran at the front with me all the way to almost the centre of Berko! Paul looking mighty relieved and a touch hot and sweaty, Holly finally stopped but Holly looked like she could keep going for a good bit further, very well done Holly! Karen and the very load Jan went ahead announcing the run! We had a good reception through Berko, special thanks to Berko Sports for helping me so much over the last 2 years and their vocal support as I ran past. Close shave with a vehicle at Lower Kings Road, good idea to put your foot down as we crossed! Steady pace to start with now just the four of us, India, Ross Me and Simon. Through Berko towards Bourne End India and Ross dropped off a bit as I needed to find my pace. Well done Ross for staying with India until Sheryl and Regan joined by car and looked after India, ready to pick her up when she had had enough. Well done India, very proud you ran past Nan's tree and all the way to Sainsbury's, 10k! Ross pushed on trying to catch us without quite making it but did run 14k to our house, well done. Simon and I got to a good 4"40 k pace with lots of cheers and claps through to KL. Blown away by the reception in KL!!! A line of people on both sides of the village clapping and cheering, people I knew and lots I did not. A bit choked but very thankful to all in Kings Langley not forgetting the Parish council who so kindly were today's shirt sponsor. I offer my services for some community work in the future. All good, we reached my house and the end of Simon's stint. Thanks Simon for your help and good luck on Sunday in your 2nd Marathon of 5 in 5 weeks at Brighton, see you there. Dad only panicked once when the sat nav was telling him to go up Cross Oak Rd to the new A41 but soon calmed when reminded him that he knew the route planned rather well! I ran on my own through to Hunton Bridge where joined by Jon from Gade Valley Harriers, just after seeing the last of local support from Andy Newing, great support again Andy thanks. We had a few moments running up the A41 past Leavesden to the Dome roundabout, not easy. A few more up to the Toby Jug roundabout with a very awkward manoeuvre up the slip road and round the M1 roundabout the wrong way! All ok we motored on chatting and getting a bit carried away with the pace through to meeting Vince Ellerby on the section as the A41 crosses over the M1. Great to have people with me. A few miles on we caught up with the van now with India and Ross inside along with Lawrence. Still a bit too far for Lawrence to join in as this is only his 2nd run since the op! Main roads all the way, Jon dropped off at Apex corner to catch a train back, thanks for your help see you on the club pub run in the summer if not before. Lawrence joined us and we soon found a good pace through the traffic. I was now suffering a lot so Vince and Lawrence set the pace and I just worked hard to keep up. The last section to the completion of the marathon was up to Archway and down to the start of the Holloway Rd. A very good pace was found for the last 6k as we pushed to the finish in 3'21"49 with an elevation gain of 214 and a loss of 252. Thanks for helping me through, I hope I gave a better account of myself in the last section of today's run. Still not finished we had 2 odd miles left to run to our finish at the Emirates. A bit slower now we ran down the Holloway road, joined by Ross and India for the final run in to the stadium, over 30 miles run! Great reception from Arsenal, lots of photos taken also a full tour given by Colin, very nice man, also a great donation received from the Tour Staff. All done, thank you Arsenal and big thank you to India and Ross well done. Jantastic and family were great again Dad was almost faultless with the Tour of Arsenal being the highlight of his day. Lawrence me and vince, now freezing had a quick change then off home. Thanks Lawrence, Haslers donation was fantastic and it was great to run with you at long last! Costa on the way home, hit the spot. Vince your help over two days was great, train well and see you at London. Now home, can't keep my eyes open, icing and eating! Looking forward to Hotel Home again tonight before setting off on our travels tomorrow. Thank you Karen for putting up with me. Did not know how I could get going today after such a good day yesterday, now today has blown me away, tomorrow is going to be very tough. I have to focus on why I am doing this, please take time to have a look at our web site and Teenage Cancer Trust. Please tell people about their work and please donate if you can. Thank you, 20 down 10 to go!