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Wednesday 7th March MARATHON 47
7th March-Day 54. We are the only guests as I suspected. Dad and I sat in the very comfortable lounge area watching, Million Pound Drop, I think that's what its called, the Spanish version, with the owners. They obviously loved the programme and got right into it, strangely, so did I! The contestants won 5k and were over the moon, the fact that they started with a Million did not seem to bother them? Anyway as soon as it was over, our hosts passed us the menu and asked what we would like. Again could not understand alot so went for what we knew. Chicken and noodle soup and steak cut up to share with potatoes. Soup, although just noodle, was really nice. The shared steak however was a flat piece of leather with chips! Steak was terrible, very tough and no taste! Lovely people so we did not complain. Fruit salad was a piece of fruit from the bowl on the service bar! Nice fruit though. Still, quite full, we sat at the table, our hosts disappeared and dad told me about the time his uncle Freddy got called up and served his time in the war. Freddy sounds a proper character, a bit shady but a nice bloke. He was in the TA and got called up to go to Hounslow barracks. The first thing that happened to him was to have all his teeth removed as they were not good? He then got shipped off to France with a full new set of teeth, or rather without as they did not turn up in time! Off he went on the boat, landed in France with a crew of 20, all new recruits with one experienced soldier. As they moved through France, staying in houses just like this one, I think that is what triggered the story! Actually staying in the barns of houses like this one. One day a German plane got shot down nearby and they were instructed by this experienced soldier captain to take a look. Never having been in any sort of combat situation something happened that spooked them, they all started shooting and they managed to shoot dead their own captain! They fled and hid in a barn, got caught, shipped off to Poland, spent 5 years in a prisoner of war camp, Stalag XXB had a set of teeth mad for him out of dog bones by an Australian POW, retuned to England after the war, went straight to Hounslow to get his teeth, they were massive compared to his make shift dog bone teeth, so he spent the rest of his living days with dog bones for teeth! Sorry for the long story but made me belly laugh, my legs actually hurt now without doing anything but this story took my mind off it so I thought I would share! Anyway back to the room, still laughing, both now hobbling we returned to the ice. Dad fell asleep instantly, I iced my calf's and massaged my hips, my tiredness got the better of me too and we were both in bed by 11:00, great night with my dad.
Up with alarm at 6:30 did not want to move and when I tried I could not! Slowly up, had to get my ankles moving again! This took a while but eventually they joined in the laboured movement to the bathroom. Tracksuit on and off I went. The stairs were my first challenge! Outside and off on my morning run. We are basically in the country, no village, no Cafe's and no people. The sun was rising over the mountains and again took my breath away. Every day is different but the effect on me is the same. Anyway I ran down the only road having a chat with the odd cow I passed on my way to the main road, turned right and hobbled along for a few kilometres. I started the usual chain of dogs barking across the valley, the first bark seems to be by a dog that studies me before the decision is made to bark and set the chain going! This dog was a small stocky dog chained to his large kennel, he watched me approach, then jumped at me and barked at the same time. Three dogs 50 yards down on the left were first to react then it spread all across the valley! I carried on, smiling to my self and hobbling, I must have looked very strange. I turned after a while and made my way back, the barking resumed all except the first dog, he just looked at me! A few lefts and rights to see what was around, not alot, I returned to the Hotel and again took in the mountain scenery. 54"31 minutes and 7.5k done, all good. Back to the room, dad was up and ready listening to Celine Dion again. Showered applied voltarole to my lower legs and down for breakfast. I took my porridge oats in and asked if I could cook them, she said no, took them off me and did it herself. Great breakfast eaten, packed, got ready, warmed up, paid and ready to go at 11:00. We have had great stays but never given a tip as we are trying to spend as little as possible. However these people were great and have only been open for 4 months. They got a tenner! They then earned it! Our van would not start! Panic under control quite quick, the owner had jump leads, we could not find the battery! Eventually found it under the front seat but could not move it. Another very long story short, I rang Merc Assistance, they said they would have a technician out straight away. I decided to set off on my own with an extra running belt with some money and cliff shots. I thought I would head to the hills, and dad would call when the van was fixed, I would run back and carry on down our planned route. Dad spent the afternoon on the phone with Merc England, the technician is having his dinner so we are sending a tow truck to pick it up! Dad stood his ground and said no, the owner of the hotel got his tool kit out and between them they got the battery out and put it on charge! The tow truck turned up, dad stood firm and would not let them tow it and at 4pm they put it all back together and the van started. The best 10 euro's we have spent! I meanwhile carried on here there and everywhere, I ran 12k into the mountains, back to the main road then west for 5k, then towards the sea on local roads and tried to work my way back without going back to the main road. This did not work, my path was stopped by the odd wild dog, steep hill to the sea or dead end! I conceded and rejoined the main road and worked my way back, I tried at first not to go too fast as I only had 1 bottle of water, this was not a problem at the end, my legs hurt alot and got very stiff! Anyway great views and another marathon completed 2k away from the hotel in 4'18"30. A little stop then off for the 2k run back, legs reluctant to flex at all, a long 2k! Back at the hotel, the van still running, all good and ready to go to our original destination Ribodesella. I asked the owners names but did not understand what they said so, the owners came out, offered me the use of the showers but I declined, we needed to get on. Quick photo and said our goodbyes. Well worth a re visit. On route to Ribodesella dad got a call from Merc customer services, they got it from dad then he passed the phone to me and they got it from me! Arrived at our destination, no hotels open! We crossed the bridge and found a very nice looking established hotel called Villa Rosario, very nice and Eduardo the manager spoke English and was very helpful. We booked in, kit up to the room, showered, water not hot enough, and dressed looking for food. We went to reception and asked Eduardo if he could guide us? He had looked up our website and offered his congratulations, he then rang a friend who owned a restaurant and told him we were coming and we wanted pasta. We got to the establishment and noticed how dear it was, we could not turn back now so we sat down, ordered soup and before we started asking what was what the waiter was gone! Soup turned up, fantastic, main course turned up, spaghetti Bolognase! Unbelievably nice, apple tart followed with coffee for dad and just hot water for me. Up there with the best meals so far. We braced ourselves for the bill and when it turned up dad nearly jumped for joy, 30 Euro's! Good old Eduardo, thanks. Back to the very nice room, icing watching Barcelona rip to shreds Laverclusen! Messi 5 goals! Well what a day, dads mechanic days paid off today! He is fast asleep now and has been for most of the match but when he wakes all he will talk about is how good Barcelona is? Another day done, 51.2k run in total.