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Monday 2nd April MARATHON 78
2nd April - Day 80. Far too late to eat really but had to! Good thing about a motorway service station, it is open 24 hours a day! Dad was not in need of food so stayed in the hotel lobby bit and ordered a Crepe? I went across the car park to the cafeteria. The only one in was a bit strange but the staff were very nice. They looked at me a bit funny when I loaded my tray with a huge tuna salad, a roll and a fruit salad then ordered a chicken dinner! I sat alone and waded in, the salad was tough to get through, it needed mayonnaise but I did not fancy a scoop from the open troughs at the counter. Dad appeared and we sat and had a chat about education! My dads brother Ted got a full education and went to a technical college and my dad enjoyed school but left at 14 to work. Dad did not know why but concluded that he just did not fancy it so went to work. Must run in the family! All food consumed, a bit enjoyed but more of a fuelling exercise, now 10:30 and time for bed. Feeling stuffed we returned to the room, I started at the laptop, trying to get on the internet, download my watch activities, then put the washing in the bath, filled with water and added hand wash "Liquid Soap Flakes" and left alone. I stayed up a bit battling with dodgy wifi, it worries me when I do not download the running information to the file, but I stayed up mainly because I had eaten too much and felt sick! Eventually gave in and went to bed propped up in a semi sitting position, in an attempt to keep the food down. I nodded off about midnight and had a not bad night. Up at 6:30. After a few snoozes, legs very stiff and knees sore, bathroom done, kitted up, quick session on the roller and off for a run down the motorway! I opted for the non motorway route, ran from the rear and out towards Erbree. Very cold with a frost on the fields! Nice little run North west through the village where nothing was open yesterday and no one about, same today! Now gone 7:30, only school children waiting for the bus, shops and the one coffee shop shut, very odd? Anyway nothing more to report, I turned at the top of a long downhill road, did not fancy that, into the sun rising over the hills and village, still makes me feel good even if my legs did not agree. I had a quick run back to the Motorway Hotel in need of the loo! Too much food, too late at night! Quick shower and down to breakfast at 8:30. Cooked my porridge, a few too may pastries, a piece of french stick, jam and a cup of tea. Dad and I chilled for a bit, contemplated the day ahead and had another cup of tea. My right hip area has tightened up and is affecting my IT band, my right knee and my right calf! It has shot to the top of the injury charts. I am not looking forward to another day like yesterday! Anyway, packed paid, in the van and on our way by 11ish, a bit later than planned. Our route today is again North across country, setting off from Erbree. I set off after a quick video at 11:40. The weather today was nice running weather, warm light wind, bright blue skies and the sun not too hot. Our route took us up the D110, a very minor road through fantastic countryside. Most enjoyable, I set off slower in an attempt not to aggravate my right hip and it sort of worked! We joined the D106 at a nice steady 5:30/k pace, I joined the D29 through Juvigne and got to 21k in just under 2hrs. My right side tightening, my right knee starting to bite, my left knee starting to hurt due to my increasing limp! I managed to get to 35k before the need to stop and apply pain relief! I set off to Montaudin still limping but controlled and slow. I completed marathon 78 on day 80, just past the village in a time of 4'10"29. With the pain the times get slower giving more pain for longer! Still very pleased another one done, normal great post run routine complete and we set off to find our accommodation in a town called St Denis De Gastines and a place called Chateau du Bourg, sounds interesting? A short drive, quick stop for fuel for the van, at the only station we have seen open today, a quick stop for fuel for us, at the only Boulangerie we have seen open today, to our destination. A very nice big house, a very nice, fairly big lady greeted us and showed us round the Commune and to our room! Very strange, I have never stayed in a place like this before but it looks ok and should be fun! Unloaded our kit in the room, shower then ice packs out and placed on my hip and I fell asleep! A good hour and a half later I woke with a cold right arm, I had moved about a bit in my sleep and iced about 4 areas of my body! I woke dad Up, quick wash and down to the communal kitchen to make our dinner. Strange but good, we put our spaghetti bolognase on and made a cup of tea, others came in, spoke to us in French, I made the normal noises, dad just spoke louder, and we all milled around making our own food. Our meal turned out very nice, best spag boll dads ever had! Back to the room, washing, icing and rolling still to do and its 10:45 already! Good news came, the cavalry is coming! Andy Gall of Premier Osteopathy, is coming over on Thursday! He has shuffled clients, shut up a day early and is heading out to try and straighten me up and get me through! Thank you Andy I look forward to seeing you and Jamie on Thursday afternoon. I will do my best with the roller and stretch as much as possible to get me to Thursday! I must now get on, washing kit to be done!