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Before during & after Matthew's amazing 100 Marathons, the fantastic support from friends, family & complete strangers has been overwhelming. We felt that we wanted to capture some of these amazing comments and so have created this page for that very purpose. We hope you enjoy reading them, they certainly helped spur Matthew on when times got tough. Thank you to everyone for your continued support.
Comments after Matthews Day 100 Blog
Colin Byrne Well done Matthew enjoyed the blog every day its an unbelievable achievement, you should be proud of yourself!
Paul Mcdonald Brilliant matthew, enjoyed reading all ur blogs, this 1 being 1 of ur best 4 many diff reasons. Once again well done matthew an absolute super star :-))
Paul Satterthwaite Absolutely Brilliant Blog Matt. I have enjoyed reading everyone of them and am going to miss them! A truely magnificent journey & experience for you are your family, and one that enhances the respect & admiration I have for you. Well done Matthew "Marathon Man" Loddy.
Albert ƁƠƝƘЄƦƧ Cox There aren't enough superlatives to describe an ordinary bloke completing a once in a lifetime achievement Matt! You're a credit to the human race.
Sandra Smith wow...its a been a brilliant journey for us.. never mind you and your dad.thank you matthew loddy you are a inspiration to us all x
Jaime Town Well done mate, I never got fed up saying that as you did not cease to amaze me. I remember when we were kids, you played football better than anyone else, you could skateboard better than Tony Hawk, in fact if you had taken up curling you would be an Olympic champion several times over by now. I’ve just realised why, Matthew Loddy you can do “anything” you put your mind too. Your blog has been amazing; I never got tired of what you like to eat, and your dad reminds me of my dad “silly old sod” that’s mine not yours and you realised how important it was to get your story across and even though you was cream crackered every night and in agony some of it, you still managed to write like a pro, because that’s what you are a professional at everything you do or undertake, When you hit one of your lows and made a quick detour to the hospital, remember you had that infection, you know the one where the blisters on your foot got infected and then it spread to your “epidermis” see I paid attention, I don’t mind admitting saying to my wife “he won’t make it, bloody good try, but he’s in bits” I don’t half talk rubbish at times, it was like Zeus was looking down and you were one of his “earth” sons and he picked up the effigy of you and said a few words, like a God would and off you went again. Then you was attacked by a bird of prey, must have been one of Zeus’s brothers trying to mess you up. Then when you had hamstring problems, I’ve had that "I walked around like a ruptured duck for weeks", but I didn’t make promises, like you. I have read about you in various places and watched interviews and there’s not many around built like you, in fact I only know one. Let’s hope all your injuries, too numerous to name, don’t give you any lasting problems and I for one wait patiently for your next challenge.
I hope it’s not for the last time, WELL DONE! Proud to know you!
David Phillips absolutely fantastic, what a champion, oh & whats that about reading about "proper runners" , you can now join that list , so happy for you & your dad being able to spend this time together , priceless, loved the end story . Faith & belief won in the end.
Janine Lewis Definition of Hope,strength,tenacity,commitment,loyalty..many positive verbs... = Matthew Loddy
Steve Hatchett Great clog , as sure as you will always duck now when a budgie flies over your head , we will never forget this amazing effort , do take care with treatment and rehab and take all the care you can , top man !!
Fran Martin Inspirational Matthew. We at the hospice are just so very very proud of you.
Neil Souness Incredible and inspiring story. Will miss the blogs. This last read has been particularly amazing. Enjoy the rest that comes, and get writing that book.... Sponsorship from the Souness family to follow shortly.
Wendy Gullan Just had a wee cry! See you in July Matt, love you all.x
Tina Kay Me too, very moving. The best Marathon time and the best blog yet. I have so enjoyed reading your blogs, I will miss them now. I really hope you reach your target, you deserve it. All my family, friends and work colleagues have been following your journey and all say you are an inspiration. Now looking forward to the next one! See you at the next one. xx
Jackie Souness Great blog, great experience not only for you & your dad but for all your followers. Take care, rest & follow doctors orders so that you have a speedy recovery. Said it before but will say it again, truly awesome effort!!
Gerald Wright A life changing experience,did you find out anything you didnt know about yourself,I have been told that running like that is like deep meditation,a magnificent achievement you should be proud of yourself.
Sarah Markley I said it to you and I'll say it again , you should write a book of your adventures. You can get someone to write and you dictate lol!! It's been a pleasure to read your blogs, spread the word about your challenge and do the money raising bits. Look after yourself Matthew, do as the professionals and Karen tell you, keep us informed on your recovery. All the best and congratulations on your amazing journey x
Daryl Latham As signed off in the NBC interview and very humbly put 'Job done'...
Erzsebet Ignacz Farkasné Hi Matthew, we have seen you recently in the News!!!! Its amazing what you have done we are so sooo proud of you !!!!
Massive congratulation to you and Tom as well it`s been quite a journey!!! With love Liza, Felician and Benjamin x
Jan Maddern Matthew Loddy. Your blogs should carry a warning for women... "Caution, will damage your make-up".
I have finally managed to sit down and shut out the world for Day 100, and now I have black eyes and my mascara is all down my face (very pretty.)
As I said to Nita when we had a hug this afternoon, one day I want to meet you so I can shake your hand. And your Dad's of course. What an amazing man, and an incredible team.
Everyone has said that you are an inspiration to us all. This is so true.
So Matthew. What's next? And what can I do to help you? No running though, that also tends to give me black eyes...
Andrew Robinson Was great speaking to you on the phone and you sounded so happy and so you should...eveyone here in Burgau and Luz are in awe of what you have done ....Judy and I and the rest of family and friends are so proud of you Matt Loddy...see you soon Andy
Comments after Matthews Day 99 Blog
Jaime Town Great writing Matt felt every bit of that, Well done mate, not sure where all this will go from here, you going back to a "normal life" i don't think so not for a while any way. Like they say "you could write a book about that". Must seem years since you came up with the idea and started the training, i am sure you could of done few bits differently, but from the readers point of view its all been "perfect"
Janine Lewis "I feel I have achieved something very special with my dad, whatever happens tomorrow I know I will get round and complete my challenge." - actually that is the bit that resonates strongest in my heart! It wasn't just about the running.
Jackie Souness Great blog, feel like I have been part of your great adventure. Thank you for that privilege. Hope you manage to raise the money you aimed for as you truly deserve it. Well done !!!!
Comments after Day 98 Blog
Additional Fanatastic Comments
Jaime Town I think Matt can stop doing Marathons, obviously when he has finished the challenge, because he needs a rest, but stopping the blog is cruel and heartless and I also need to know a daily dose of how his dads doing and whats the best ever on Tuesday the 24th.
Marian Stredwick Hi Matthew, Firstly I am not some mad stalker as you obviously do not know me :). My Husband and I have been following your progress for several months and I just however wanted to congratulate you on completing your challange yesterday and in such a phenomenal time. I cannot imagine just how proud your family are of you for your dedictaion to your friends memory and for the amazing amount of money you have raised for your respective chairities. Hope the bodies not feeling too based up. God bless.
India Rose Jane Loddy What an amazing day x love you daddy x glad your nearly home :D ! Can't wait for our tag team Marathon this week and for your finale ! So proud of you Dad ! And all the people you are doing this for will be so proud of you ! :D X Love You X
Claire Helen Adams You don't know us Matthew, we're close friends (from oop north) of Steve and Caroline Hatchett, but we wanted to say congratulations on your simply amazing achievement. Well done on every one of your 100 marathons and fantastic that your fastest time should be your last one on home soil. Enjoy putting your poor feet up for a few days. Claire & Ewen
Andy Crawford Unbelievable achievement Matt, only become aware of your fantastic story. So sad and at the same time so inspirational. I will be looking out for the book!!!
David Dixon Congratulations on completing your journey. A truly amazing and inspirational feat! Taking part in the strictly learn dancing and the edinburgh marathon for the hospice of st francis i have followed your progress from the start. In fact you have had me in tears a few times listening to the media and reading your blogs. Well done and now rest those feet....
Claire Davey You amazing man! I went to school with Philip and am truly in awe of what you have achieved. Well done
Lisa Scaramangas I'm sure you're far too busy sleeping or pacing or carb loading for tomorrow's finale to read Facebook but I just wanted to say what a huge inspiration and example you are for so, so, so many people. Huge congratulations to you and achieving what you have, enjoy London and the electric atmosphere and no matter how long it takes, take as much enjoyment from it as you can. We live in Hemel and my mum died of cancer in a London hospital and sadly never made it to the hospice but having seen someone suffer and to know that the hospice can offer support, dignity, peace and some degree of comfort at such an awful point is something priceless and I'm in awe of their work. But I'm even more in awe of you right now and your superhuman efforts to help them in their work. Top job and well done you. There aren't enough words to praise you in what you've done and the exposure and money you've brought to such worthy causes. Good luck and much love x x x
Bill Gascoyne Matt I havn't ( no I can't run) but after reading what you have done I am going to sign up for the great south run for your charities ....keep on going you are the inspiration
Ross McCormack Hi matthew, hope all is well, just wanted to message you to ask how it is all going I have been reading your blog and me and my family have sponsored you. I have told so many people about your amazing journey, (even Anne Hathaway!! she loved it and i gave her the address to your website!), Jemima has been missing you very much and we have all been here rooting for you. your a very strong man Matthew and it rubs off on all your family I have noticed this quality of jemima. Ill be looking forward to see you but probably best relaxing on a sofa!!, hope its all great!! good luck for the last stretch!!! Good Luck, Ross.
Jason Barnes Go Matthew! xxxx Thinking of you everyday on this incredible journey, you are amazing! You are so nearly there, keep it up! Much love to you from JB, Tracy, Ben & Alexis xxxx
Sarah Markley Hi Matthew we raised another £350 for you today at Cavendish School. I have to admit to dressing up as a spice girl and performing with the rest of the office girls for the students!! Humiliating for a woman of my age but fun nevertheless. Will speak with Lorraine on Monday and get a cheque sorted and will also get the other 500 sorted when we get our new budget!!! Don't forget your promise too to come do our presentation evening. All the best your doing brilliantly.
Heather Bennett-Earle Been following your amazing feat, keep going my thoughts are with you every step of the way as would be our old mate neil, he would be so proud of you as i and my family are keep in touch matthew and would be fantastic to see you on the finishing line in london
Sanjay Karia Hi Matt, You Probably don't remember me but I remember you from the old Grovehill days.
I've heard what you are doing and just wanted to say what an amazing thing it is. I went to school with Phil, we were all in the same year and played football together for years. We were all hit pretty hard by his passing, so good for you.
My wife Harriet also works at the Hospice of St Francis. So again, I wish you all the luck and hope it goes well (and stay injury free). We'll be sending some money your way. All the best, Sanjay
Jaime Town Message to The One Show
Daryl Latham This is a comment I've made a couple of times in the past, but my brother Phil would have been so humbled by the physical extremes that Matthew his closest confident and boss has put himself through. For you guys out there that don't know ...the humble beginnings of this story, Phil & Matthew spent hours talking through the possible scenarios of things to come. Many of these even I were not in on... and Phil's my brother, so you can see how highly Phil rated Matthew as a friend. To say that Matthew went that extra mile to help Phil and his young family, is the understatement of the century, it actually worked out to be an extra 2620 miles. On the back of the many conversations in the Hospice of St Francis, loyalty and friendship has been taken to a completely new level that none of us will never have the chance to experience. When was the last time your boss made you a cup of tea!!
Karen Latham What a amazing man and this is part of the reason why Matthew Loddy has endured all this pain over the last 99 days, we are all so proud of you and you know Phil is too, we can not thank you enough for all that you have done Matthew, if you...would like to sponsor Matthew please click the link The Hospice of St Francis really were great to us and we will be forever thankful to them for the way they cared for Phil in his last 2 months that he stayed with them, until the end of his life aged 36. Phil left behind his 2 daughters Holly and Evie and the hospice still offer counselling for us now. Please donate. Love, Karen Latham Holly and Evie xxx
Holly Latham
I can see the end of the London Marathon now, Matthew Loddy "I have run, 100 days and 2,600 miles" Interviewer BBC news "Quiet quiet! He's gonna say something" Matthew Loddy "I'm pretty tired..........I think i'll go home now" Well done mate!